Adds validation to your SCSS variables, preventing errors, half-defined themes and so on!
Add dynamic, SCSS-based themes to any website/app without any struggle.
.And no, CSS variables are not a solution. Read though our Guide so we can convince you.
$ npm add -D @komplett/themed
$ pnpm add -D @komplett/themed
$ yarn add -D @komplett/themed
$ bun add -D @komplett/themed
@use '@komplett/themed' as *;
@use '@komplett/themed' as *;
$themes: (
'light': (
'text': #212529,
'background': #fafafa,
'grey-1': #343a40,
'grey-2': #495057,
'grey-3': #6c757d,
'dark': (
'text': #fafafa,
'background': #212529,
'grey-1': #f8f9fa,
'grey-2': #e9ecef,
'grey-3': #dee2e6,
@include apply($themes);
body {
color: themed('text');
background-color: themed('background');