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Two main ways to install @komplett/themed: Via a package manager, or by copying the source. In both cases, you must have sass installed as a dependency. We tested this packages mainly with the sass package, but sass-embedded should also work well.

With a package manager

For the first option, just add it as a dev-dependency. If you use react, install @komplett/react-themed instead. See Use with React for more information.

$ npm add -D @komplett/themed
$ pnpm add -D @komplett/themed
$ yarn add -D @komplett/themed
$ bun add -D @komplett/themed

Via the source

If you want this to be as minimal and customizable as possible, you can also just copy it's source. You can find that on github.

Now, you can add or validation as you please, customize how variables are defined, how the functions are called etc. But most of these things, you can also do when installed via npm, so:


We recommend to install it with a package manager, as this is the only way you will get bugfixes, new features etc. It's fully without dependencies and very tiny in size.

Advanced setup

Depending on your toolchain, you might want to do some more steps to make this work as nicely as possible. For example with vite, you can make all themed functions available in every file. See Global setup for more information.